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Facebook & Instagram Integration

To post on Facebook and Instagram, you need to create and configure a Facebook application, as both social networks are owned by Meta.

1. Create a Developer account

To create a Facebook app, you must first have a Facebook developer account. If you don't already have one, go to the Facebook for Developers website and click Get Started in the top right corner. Follow the instructions to sign up for a developer account.

2. Create a new app

Once you have a developer account, go to the Facebook Developer Dashboard and click Create App in the top right corner. Choose Business as the app type and give your app a name.

Create a new Facebook appCreate a new Facebook appCreate a new Facebook appCreate a new Facebook app

3. Initial app configuration

After creating your app, you'll be taken to the app dashboard. Here, you can configure your app's basic settings, such as the app icon and description. You'll also need to configure the App Domains and Privacy Policy URL settings.


With Mixpost you can generate Terms of use and Privacy policy pages in seconds. More details

Configure basic settings

4. Copy the credentials to Mixpost

After creating the App, you will find the App ID and the hidden App Secret. Copy these credentials, then navigate to your Mixpost dashboard and paste them into the Facebook third-party service form. Additionally, select the version of your Facebook application. You can determine the version used by your Facebook app by navigating to Settings -> Advanced.

Third-Party Service form's in the Mixpost dashboard

Navigate to the User Menu at the bottom left, click Admin Console, and then click on Services from the left sidebar.

Facebook app versionMixpost Facebook Service Form

5. Configure redirect URIs

In your Facebook application, on the left sidebar, click on Add product and choose Facebook Login for Business.

Navigate to the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field and input the following redirect URIs:<MIXPOST_CORE_PATH>/callback/facebook_page<MIXPOST_CORE_PATH>/callback/instagram

Substitute <MIXPOST_CORE_PATH> with your specified MIXPOST_CORE_PATH. If you have not altered the MIXPOST_CORE_PATH environment variable, use the default value: mixpost.

Ensure to save the changes.

Facebook Login for Business Redirect URIs

6. Done

You can test by adding your Facebook account to the Mixpost. We recommend creating a few test posts using the Facebook app in Development and then switching to Live mode.

How to add a social account

Navigate to a workspace, then select Accounts from the left sidebar and click Add Account.


Any data generated while an app is in Development mode, such as posts, can only be seen by role users. However, the data will be visible to non-role users once the app is switched to Live mode.