Mixpost Enterprise: Environment Variables
Overview of Environment Variables.
License environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
LICENSE_KEY | string | - | The unique license key used to install and validate Mixpost application. |
Application environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
APP_NAME | string | Mixpost | The name of your application. |
APP_KEY | string | - | Key used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data. Generate this using the following tool. |
APP_DEBUG | boolean | false | Debug mode setting. Set to false for production environments. |
APP_DOMAIN | string | - | Your app's domain or subdomain, without the http:// or https:// prefix. (Docker only) |
APP_URL | string | http://example.com | Full application URL. |
MIXPOST_DEFAULT_LOCALE | string | en-GB | Specifies the default locale used by Mixpost. This setting determines the language and regional format for the application. |
MIXPOST_CORE_PATH | string | mixpost | The path used by Mixpost to load its core routes. Example: https://example.com/mixpost . (The prefixes app and apps are reserved in our Docker image) |
FORCE_CORE_PATH_CALLBACK_TO_NATIVE | boolean | false | If set to true , this forces the callback URL to always use the native mixpost core path. |
MIXPOST_PUBLIC_PAGES_PREFIX | string | pages | Public pages have an endpoint directly after the url domain. Example: https://example.com/pages/terms |
Database environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
DB_HOST | string | ("mysql" for Docker) | Specifies the hostname of the database server. Use "mysql" for Docker environments. |
DB_PORT | string | 3306 | The port on which the database server is listening. |
DB_DATABASE | string | mixpost_db | The name of the MySQL database used by the application. |
DB_USERNAME | string | mixpost_user | The username for accessing the MySQL database. |
DB_PASSWORD | string | - | The password for the MySQL database user. |
Redis environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
REDIS_HOST | string | ("redis" for Docker) | Specifies the hostname of the redis server. Use "redis" for Docker environments. |
REDIS_PORT | string | 6379 | The port on which the redis server is listening. |
REDIS_PASSWORD | string | - | The password for the Redis user. |
Features environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
MIXPOST_FORGOT_PASSWORD | boolean | true | Enables or disables the forgot password feature. |
MIXPOST_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH | boolean | true | Enables or disables two-factor authentication. |
MIXPOST_API_ACCESS_TOKENS | boolean | true | Determines if API access tokens are enabled. |
MIXPOST_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE_POST_ACTIVITIES | boolean | false | Determines if the user automatically subscribes to post activities. |
SMTP environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
MAIL_HOST | string | smtp.mailgun.org | The SMTP server address used to send emails. |
MAIL_PORT | number | 587 | The port used for SMTP connections, typically 587 for TLS or 465 for SSL . |
MAIL_USERNAME | string | - | The username required to authenticate with the SMTP server. |
MAIL_PASSWORD | string | - | The password required to authenticate with the SMTP server. |
MAIL_ENCRYPTION | string | tls | The encryption protocol to use for securing SMTP communications (e.g., tls or ssl ). |
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS | string | hello@example.com | The default email address from which your application sends emails. |
MAIL_FROM_NAME | string | Value from APP_NAME | The default sender name used in outgoing emails, typically the application name. |
File storage
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
MIXPOST_DISK | string | public | The disk on which to store media files. Options: - public - s3 To use s3 disk you should fill in the AWS_* credentials. |
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | string | Access key for the S3 server. | |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | string | Secret key for the access key. | |
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | string | Has to be set to a signing region: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/s3.html | |
AWS_BUCKET | string | Name of the bucket where Mixpost will store its files. | |
AWS_URL | string/null | null | (optional) Base URL of the S3-compatible storage. Leave empty for AWS S3. |
AWS_ENDPOINT | string/null | null | (optional) Custom endpoint for an S3-compatible storage service (e.g., MinIO, DigitalOcean Spaces). Leave empty for AWS S3. |
AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT | boolean | false | (optional) Set to true if the S3-compatible service requires path-style URLs instead of virtual-hosted style. |
We’ve prepared a guide to help you configure S3.
Logs environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
LOG_CHANNEL | string | single | Defines the logging channel type for the application. Options include single for a single file or daily for a new file each day. |
MIXPOST_LOG_CHANNEL | string | - | Specifies a dedicated logging channel for capturing connection errors with social networks or third parties. If left blank, it defaults to the LOG_CHANNEL value. |
SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN | string | null | The Data Source Name (DSN) for Sentry integration. This is used to configure and enable error tracking and monitoring for your Laravel application with Sentry. |
System environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
MIXPOST_AUTH_GUARD | string | web | This option controls the default authentication guard for the Mixpost dashboard routes. (Not available in Docker). |
MIXPOST_CACHE_PREFIX | string | mixpost | Define cache prefix. |
FFMPEG environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
FFMPEG_PATH | string | /usr/bin/ffmpeg | The path to the FFMPEG executable on your server. This is used for video processing and conversions. (Not available in Docker) |
FFPROBE_PATH | string | /usr/bin/ffprobe | The path to the FFPROBE executable on your server. FFPROBE is used for gathering information from multimedia streams. (Not available in Docker). |
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
BROADCAST_DRIVER | null / string | null | Defines the broadcast driver to be used for WebSocket connections. It can be set to drivers such as pusher or reverb , or null if broadcasting is not needed. |
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
PUSHER_APP_ID | string | The unique application ID for Pusher. | |
PUSHER_APP_KEY | string | The public key for Pusher. | |
PUSHER_APP_SECRET | string | The secret key for Pusher. | |
PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER | string | Specifies the Pusher cluster where the application is hosted, essential for managing regions and latency. |
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
REVERB_APP_ID | string | Unique identifier for the Reverb application (use a randomly generated ID). | |
REVERB_APP_KEY | string | The public key for Reverb (use a randomly generated key). | |
REVERB_APP_SECRET | string | The secret key for Reverb (use a randomly generated key). | |
REVERB_HOST | string | example.com | The host address for Reverb. Use "localhost" for testing on your localhost |
REVERB_PORT | string | 8080 | Specifies the port on which Reverb will accept WebSocket connections. Use 8080 for testing on your localhost |
REVERB_SCHEME | string | http | Defines the connection scheme (e.g., http , https ) for communicating with Reverb, securing data transmission. |
SSL environment variables
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
SSL_EMAIL | string | user@example.com | The email address used for SSL certificate registration and notifications. (Docker only) |