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Onboarding Settings

Mixpost Enterprise allows you to configure the onboarding process according to the specifics of your business.


You can access those settins by navigate to Enterprise Console -> Settings -> Onboarding.

Mixpost Onboard Settings

What your customers see when they try to register:

Mixpost Register form

Allow Register

Default: Yes

You can disable registration for new users by selecting No.

Email verification

Default: Yes

You can disable email verification feature by selecting No.

Delete unverified users

The system will automatically delete users who have not verified their email address after 30 days.

Default: Yes

You can disable it by selecting No.

Allow account deletion

GDPR compliant.

Default: Yes

You can disable it by selecting No.

Form Title

Default: Register your account

Form Description

Default: Start your free 7-day trial.


Default: By registering you are accepting <a href="/terms" target="_blank">Terms Of Use</a>

Change the Terms of Use page URL from href=".

Html or Markdown support.